What can I expect from a session with TRUE INNER WORK?

We will work online via video-call, audio call, or text messages based on your preference.

Each session will take 60 minutes, but can be extended when needed.

Within every session, we will adhere to the working principles of TRUE INNER WORK

Working Principles of TRUE INNER WORK

  1. The client and psychologist are equal status.
  2. The client and psychologist collaborate and engage in shared decision-making.
  3. The client and psychologist agree on tasks and goals together.
  4. The client and psychologist direct the course of the sessions and further planning together.
  5. The client dictates the pace and depth of the sessions depending on their needs.
  6. The client is expert over their own inner side, not the psychologist.
  7. The client is granted respect, validation, acceptance, a non-judgemental environment and unconditional positive regard by the psychologist.
  8. The client has the right to be treated with personalised and evidence-based approaches delivered with utmost care and diligence by the psychologist.
  9. The client is entitled, at any time, to stop a session, refrain from disclosing, or not giving an answer, without providing a reason for their behaviour.
  10. The client is entitled, at any time, to provide feedback, ask questions and share concerns and emotions about the sessions with the psychologist without fearing any consequence.
  11. The client is entitled to full transparency and protection of personal data (including personal documents, results of assessments, and notes taken by the psychologist)
  12. The client is entitled to arrange deletion of personal documents and notes.
  13. The psychologist always ensures to operate within the client’s best interest.
  14. The psychologist may guide, facilitate, support, motivate, counsel, educate, encourage and explore, but never command or demand.
  15. The psychologist adheres under all circumstances to professional codes of ethics within counselling and psychotherapy, such as the Dutch NIP and the British BACP.

What is the course of the sessions?

With every new client we will have an introduction conversation in which we will get to know each other and talk about the areas of focus for the following sessions.

After the focus is clear, we will together agree on a personalised development plan to achieve your individual goals. Which elements the personalised development plan consists of is largely determined by the needs and wants of the client, explored together with the psychologist.

After we have the personal development plan set and clear goals identified, we will start with the actual inner work while monitoring and adapting our development towards your goals.

In a personalised and individual step-by-step approach we will work together until your goals are met, which can be as short as one or two counselling sessions, or profound true inner work over multiple sessions.

When the client evaluates to have achieved the goal and is happy with their development, we will have a last farewell session in which the psychologist provides an individual report over the client’s progress including all relevant assessments and documents. We talk about the report, the achievements made, future plans of the clients and relapse strategies. Also, the client is explicitly invited to provide feedback and points of improvement for the sessions and the psychologist.

After the farewell session, the official working alliance has ended. The client’s data will be stored safely for back-up reasons for 2 years, or else deleted when wished by the client. The client is still able to contact TRUE INNER WORK to receive or delete their personal information or ask for follow-up sessions.

How will the psychologist treat me?

The psychologist is professionally trained and guided by the principles of a collaborative and compassionate therapeutic relationship. Those include:

  • Always working in the client’s best interest, while committing to the promotion of client’s well-being
  • Always ask for agreement when planning elements of sessions and during development activities.
  • Offering evidence-based approaches with provision for effective self development
  • Respecting and honouring the trust placed in the psychologist
  • Respecting the right of the client to be autonomous, individual, and self-governing
  • Regarding to the client in a positive, empathic, honest, and supportive manner while accepting the client as they are and refraining from judgement of any kind.